The Cathedral Church Of England Voluntary Aided Primary School

confident, compassionate and successful


F a i t h


The Chelmsford Cathedral School Foundation

The Trust was founded in 1997 after the sale of some property owned by the school and with some careful investment has funds available to provide financial assistance for items to benefit pupils and staff. 

In recent years the Foundation has been able to make significant contributions to improve the fabric of the building which include:

  • £17,000 towards the Early Years’ Unit
  • £5,000 towards classroom redecoration costs
  • £4,800 towards the refurbishment of the Junior toilets
  • £2,000 towards the provision of interactive white boards
  • £50,000 towards the classroom extensions
  • £5,800 towards Premises Action Plan refurbishments
  • £4,200 being the 10% liability for the Premises Action Plan

As a Church school we are not totally funded by the Department for Education (DfE) and therefore have to fund 10% of any building work ourselves. Parents are invited to contribute to the Foundation by one off payments or standing orders, which, especially if gift-aided, enable the Trust Fund to invest further in improving the working environment of the pupils and staff.


Keith Baggs