The Cathedral Church Of England Voluntary Aided Primary School

confident, compassionate and successful


F a i t h

Food & Menus

We renewed the Healthy Schools Award and the lunch time experience is very important to us. Our lunch break is from 11:45am for EYFS, infant children and 12.10pm for junior children to 1.10 p.m. Your child may buy a school meal or bring a packed lunch, they can sit together to eat their food regardless of their meal choice.

School lunches are £2.50 per day and parents are asked to pay in advance. There is a 3 or 4  week rota of menus and children can choose from vegetarian, non-vegetarian and jacket potato. The appropriate week can be found on the newsletter each week. (N.b Christmas Lunch is £2.80)

Our Catering Manager, Mrs O'Connor & the catering team, asks the children their opinions when menus are changed. Food served is from local suppliers and is cooked from fresh produce. 

Our kitchen will be using a temporary menu, this is due to staff shortage.

When the staffing issue is resolved we will return to our weekly menu. 



Week Beginning 24th February 2025


Week Beginning 3rd March 2025

Week Beginning 10th March 2025