The Cathedral Church Of England Voluntary Aided Primary School

confident, compassionate and successful


F a i t h

Healthy Schools


Our school successfully re-validated for the 'Healthy Schools' award in July 2020 Our focus will continue to develop the PSHE (Personal, Social, Health Education) and RSE (Relationships and Sex Education) curriculum in line with the new statutory requirements and provide the children with opportunities to support their wellbeing.



As part of our Healthy Schools work we centre everything around the children's wellbeing and mental health. Lessons ensure that a safe learning environment is created and children learn about the meaning of mental health and learn strategies for coping in difficult situations. Messages that are reinforced throughout the school day. Children can seek information on our school 'Wellbeing board' and parents and carers through our school newsletter which shares information on a fortnightly basis. 


Young Carers

In September 2019 we achieved the 'Young Carers in Schools' award. Our work will continue to help raise awareness, identify and support this group of children. Please see below and speak to Mrs Morecroft for more information.  

Young carers - Does this apply to your family?

  • Is your child providing practical, physical, emotional or personal care for a family member? 
  • Is your child helping to look after someone in the family home who is ill, physically or mentally disabled, have a learning difficulty or misuse drugs or alcohol? 
  • Does your child do more than their peers? For example: cooking, housework, helping someone out of bed or looking after brothers and sisters.  

As a result of this extra responsibility your child might be suffering from anxiety, loneliness, lack of sleep, friendship problems, be late or miss school. If any of the above applies to your child please speak to Mrs Morecroft. Please ask even if you are unsure to see if we can help provide extra support for your child. Please also see the 'Young Carers' links below for further information.

Whole School Food Policy

Please see our updated 'Whole School Food' policy (see right). This is also listed in the policy section of our website. Please ensure your child has fruit, dried fruit or vegetables at break-time in order to be in line with our reviewed policy. Children in EYFS and KS1 will continue to be provided with free fruit. EYFS now have the opportunity to have an afternoon snack. Please bring a named container with the appropriate snack for your child.   

Please use the links below to support your family. 


Useful Healthy Schools related links:





Young Carers:

Young Carers

Online safety: