Safeguarding/Child Protection
We work hard to ensure our children are safe in school and out of school. If anyone, any adult or any child, has any safeguarding concern, including any related to radicalisation they are encouraged to contact one of our safeguarding team. Our safeguarding Team is as follows below: |
Designated Safeguarding Lead |
Mrs Smith Head Teacher |
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead |
Mrs Quinn Deputy Head Teacher Mrs Southgate Assistant Head Teacher Mrs Truelove Inclusion Lead | |
Nominated Safeguarding Governor |
Rev'd Kate Moore Mr James Tyrell | |
If you have any safeguarding issue but would prefer not to speak to the Headteacher please contact Mr James Tyrrell (Chair of Governors) or contact the school office who will be happy to pass on information. |
If we have reasonable cause for concern that a child may be at risk of significant harm, we will refer to social care. This referral can be made with or without us informing parents. For further information please read our Child Protection policy along with more information and policies which are available by clicking here or contact one of our safeguarding team. |
ACT Early | Prevent radicalisation
The Essex Safeguarding Children’s Board website contains
further information about safeguarding children in Essex.