Key Information
School Year 2024-2025
The Cathedral Church of England V/A Primary School,
Victoria Road,
Essex CM1 1PA
Telephone: 01245 354459
Session Times
Start 8.40 am - Finish 3.20pm
Lunchtime, FS/KS1 12 noon - 1.00pm
Lunchtime, KS2 12.15 pm - 1.15 pm
During the school day all doors are locked, children may exit the building by any door, but entrance to school for parents is by the main office only.
Parents are welcome to bring children to the school playground from 8.35 am onwards but should wait with them until the bell and ensure that their child is safely in the building.
Breakfast Club
The Cathedral School Breakfast Club provides breakfast in a safe, secure and relaxed environment together with a range of activities for the children before school. Names need to be placed on the waiting list as soon as possible as demand is high
The club is open Monday to Friday, during term time only, from 7.45am until 8.45am. Further details are available from the School Office.
After School Club (CASP)
Aims: To provide a happy, welcoming place at the end of the school day where all children are valued. To support working parents by providing an affordable childcare facility.
Opening Times: Monday to Friday: 3.20 - 6pm.
Term time only.
A cold tea to be served from 4pm.
There are a maximum of 60 places.
INSET Days: After-School provision will not operate on staff development days.
Admissions: The After-School Provision is fully inclusive for children from Reception to Year 6. Any parent/guardian with a child that has any additional or special needs should record these on the membership form. This is so that any child can be appropriately welcomed into the club.
The School Office will only administer medicine prescribed for the child, when absolutely clear about all details concerning the medicine. The medicine will be kept in a safe place and a written record maintained of the dates and times of the administration. A record of the dose administered will also be kept. In the light of current legislation, parents who make a request for the school to administer medication, have to adhere to the following rules:
Medication must be in the original bottle/package and clearly named and showing the dosage
A School Medication Form available from the School Office and also on the website, must be signed
Unless we follow this guidance, it is not possible for us to give your child medicine.
Inhalers ~ FS/KS1 ~ inhalers are kept by the Class teacher in the classroom.
We usually find that if the very young children are prescribed short term medication they are generally unfit for school. Please take your doctor’s advice.
Leave of absence during school time
Parents do not have a right or entitlement to take their child out of school for a holiday. If you need to take your child out of school for any reason you must request permission from the school. In most situations schools will not agree leave during term time as this will disrupt your child’s education. If permission is not granted and you still take your child out of school for a holiday, the Local Authority (LA) will issue a penalty notice for 5 day absences.
Teacher / Parent Meetings
We have regular Parent Consultation Evenings or Open classrooms each term, but if you have any concerns do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher.
We are happy to meet parents after school at an agreed time. If there is a problem that may affect your child in school, please tell us so we can be ready to help them.
The children in Foundation and KS1 have a drink and a piece of fruit, mid morning. The fruit provided by the school is through the Free Fruit for Schools Scheme. Children under 5 years of age are entitled to a daily 189 ml serving of milk free of charge.
Between the ages of 5-11 years, whilst in primary education, children are entitled to the same daily serving of milk at a subsidised price. Information will be provided in your ‘Welcome Pack’.
Children are expected to bring in their own water bottle each day, if they forget to bring in their bottles, cups are available in class. If you wish to provide your child with their own snack (fresh or dried fruit/vegetables), please put it in a clear sealable bag in a lunch box and not in your child’s book bag in order to preserve school books.
School Meals
Children may have a School lunch, or a home packed lunch, which is eaten in the School Hall. We operate a three or four weekly menu cycle. The menus are displayed on the School Website and a reminder is given in the School Newsletter.
All pupils in Foundation stage and KS1 are entitled to free school meals. If you are in receipt of benefits and you apply online at Free School Meal Eligibility Checker (, your child will benefit from pupil premium funding.
Office staff are able to help you with this confidentially.
School Uniform
The detailed list is on the school website.
Please name everything! Sewn in labels or a permanent marker are most suitable.
It is helpful if you practise putting on and taking off school uniform with your child. School uniform is available from One Stop Schoolgear.
School shirts ~ with a collar suitable for wearing with a school tie.
Shoes ~ buckles or Velcro fastenings are preferred for Foundation Stage children.
Coats ~ Children need a warm coat or fleece in winter for outdoor playtime. Please ensure this has a hook on the back for hanging in the cloakroom. As noted in the uniform list coats should be red or black.
Wellies ~ We ask children in the Foundation Stage to bring in a pair of wellies in a named carrier bag for use in our outdoor area.
Hair ~ should be securely tied back at all times.
For safety reasons any jewellery is very strongly discouraged. A watch and one pair of plain studs in pierced ears are the only pieces of jewellery allowed. Studs must be removed, by the child, for PE and swimming.
We communicate with weekly Newsletters or Tapestry. We will phone or email directly or through SCOPAY you to keep you informed.
It is hoped that parents will agree to their personal email addresses and mobile numbers being used for our email service, so that we may contact you by SCOPay. If you have any questions about SCOPAY’s Privacy Policy please visit
Book Bags
Book bags may be purchased from One Stop Schoolgear.
PE Kit
This should be kept in school as the children often need trainers/plimsolls. Please ensure their PE bag is big enough to put all their kit in and is named on the outside. Hair should be securely tied back at all times.
All children swim for 10 sessions during the year and need a black one piece costume and towel.
Please ensure long hair styles are tied back and off the face. Swimming hats can be bought alongside the School Uniform. Please note that all jewellery including ear studs MUST be removed by parents if children are unable to remove themselves, for both swimming and PE lessons.
Absence from School
A phone call to the School Office is required indicating that your child is absent from school. A message may be left on the School Answer Machine at any time. For continuing absence, it would be appreciated, for parents just ring to update us on the situation, every day. In the case of vomiting and diarrhoea children must not return to school for a period of 48 hours following the last bout of illness.
On their return to school children must bring in a letter explaining their absence.
Unfortunately, like many other schools, every so often children come into contact with headlice. If your child has headlice, please treat immediately before sending him/her back to school and notify the class teacher or School Office. A general letter will be sent home to the class to ensure that parents are aware and to check their child’s hair thoroughly. In this way we hope to keep the dreaded nits at bay! An information leaflet is available .