Lower School Home Learning Activities
English Locate the picture and word bank on Tapestry Write a story about what the children were doing, and how they found themselves on the wing of a plane!
Maths Play the Topmarks mental maths game – Select a challenge that is stretching your learning. https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/mental-maths-train On Tapestry there are also some written maths challenges for you to try.
Science Do you have a favourite animal? Can you use books/the internet to find out more about your animal and make a fact sheet. Where does it live? How is it suited to its habitat? What does it eat? Is it prey for any other animals? You can use the WAGOLL on Tapestry as a guide.
Computing Purple Mash – Spreadsheets We have used 2Calculate to make a café and a zoo. Can you make your favourite restaurant? What would be on the menu? How much would it cost?
If you require any additional support please contact your teacher via Tapestry